Unit 2 - Processing Deals
This course will walk you through creating, managing, and paying out deals. Please ensure you've completed unit 1 before you start processing deals. Happy learning!
Welcome to Loft - how to use this course
Lesson 1 - Creating a Deal
Create a Deal Video
Test yourself
Lesson 2 - Deal Menu
Deal Menu Video
Test yourself
Lesson 3 - Deal Details
Deal Details Video
Test yourself
Lesson 4 - Adding People to a Deal
Adding People Video
Test yourself
Lesson 5 - Entering Commissions
Entering Commissions Video
Test yourself
Lesson 6 - Allocations
Allocations video
Test yourself
Lesson 7 - Deal Deductions
Deal Deductions Video
Test yourself
Lesson 8 - Transactions
Transactions video
Test yourself
Lesson 9 - Paying out a deal
Paying out a deal video
Test yourself
Congrats! Here's what Next....